mardi 29 mars 2011

London Journey

Today, I got a workshop with Karl talking about your journey from home to school. It was really interesting seeing the other's habits and recognize yourself in some part of their thought, what they're used to doing...
From this workshop, I decided to create a kind of story board of my journey :

This is a map of my steps, at least the direction of my steps during my journey

dimanche 27 mars 2011

Major project

On friday I attended the workshop named "Silhouette" by Darren Raven.

The first exercice was to choose an element representing london and make it interact with some of the silhouettes he gave us.
This is not an excuse but the screen of the computer I was using was broken and the left hand part of it was black so I couldn't reach the toolbar in any software.
This is the second thing I have been doing during the workshop. We were suposed to simplify as much as possible our image, using the less to tell the more. I am not proud of me at all but I was loosing my patience because of the screen.


Two new illustrations I've done to continue a series I started a few time ago.
You can see it on my portfolio blog HERE

mardi 22 mars 2011

BOOK binding

This morning, I attended David's workshop for book binding. I really liked it because the outcome is quite nice and clear but the process is not that hard.

Today was the first workshops of Major project.
I attended Rachel Ortas one in the afternoon about framing.  Here is the brief.

You will be using the fold-in technique (used by MAD magazine) to explore how framing changes the meaning/message of an image. We will use Elephant and Castle for inspiration.

So we've been hanging around in Elephant and castle. Right now, a couple of hours after the workshop I am not sure I understood very well the purpose but I'm sure I can do something good with the pictures I took.

Dry point workshop

I have done the dry point workshop which consist in engraving in a smooth cardboard and print it.
I choose to do a ship because I thought that it would be interesting to play on the difference of materials between the body of the ship, the sea, the sails...
I think I came quite goo but I realized at the end that the subject chosen which is quite old in a quite old process wasn't that good.

It looks like the engravings my grandparents have in their living room!!!
The first picture is the cardboard and the others are some of my outcomes.

Wood cutting workshop

I've done the wood cutting workshop, which could have been named  " be covered of wood shavings and loose the use of you right hand workshop".
I like it ever if engraving wood is quite hard, I mean as it's not smooth and soft it's really hard to draw. Here are my wood plate and one of my printed outcomes.

Barbican Art Gallery

Sunday, I went to the Barbican Art Gallery. I didn't really know what it was and what I was about to find here and I was quite surprised.

Most of the pieces of art presented needed deep explanations and interpretations to understand it. I am not sure I have enough knowledge about performing and fine art to understand every thing but some works really interested me.

I really liked Gordon Matta-Clark's intervention on buildings, cutting shapes in houses floors of walls which crops the landscape for real.

The other artist who catch my attention was Laurie anderson with her work "quarter for sol lewitt"

She replace each numbers in a sudoku grid by a pattern. I would really like to do someting like that when I'll have finished my TIMELINE.

Airside outcome

Her eis the final outcome I created for the airside project.
I am quite proud of my work because I had never done animation before, but I'm sure I could have done better. I think that my characters don't have no personality, I feel like It has already been done.
Judge for yourself

jeudi 3 mars 2011

Paul's Workshops

This morning, I had two workshops run by Paul: Composition and meaning, and Externalize your thought .

In the first one, Paul gave us photocopies of images linked with books and gave us a word we had to create  a collage about.
Mine was "order"

In the second one, we had to describe an object, focusing on its aspect and its characteristics but not its function. Our object was (more or less):

Here are the words we've chosen to describe it:

Yellow                                   Usable
Porcelain                                 Reusable
With a handle                         Washable
White inside                            Part of a set
Hollow                                    Microwavable
Inanimate                                Smooth
Round from top view              Untextured
Cone shaped                            Asymetric
Light                                        Breakable
Container                                 Cheap
Solid                                         Multifonctional
Curvy                                       Replaceable
Angled                                     Forgettable
Hand held                                Heat conducting
Boring                                      Steady
Plain                                         Stained

Then we had to associate words with it:

Coffee                                      Liquids
Rice                                         Kitchen
Living room                             Gently mornings
Cigarettes                                 Grandmother
Desk                                         Stains
Working nights                         Heat
Sugar                                        Bonzaï
Biscuits                                     Breakfast
Toast                                        Tea bags
Cup Soup                                 Glass
Drinking                                   Student
Washing                                    Magicien
Flower pot                                 Hat
Wedding Cake                          Wheel
Sand bucket                               Letters O and Q

I think this workshop was really interesting cause it forced us to go deeper in our ideas, to relate things we would not obviously have thought to.
I also like seeing that object could have a completely different meaning for everybody.


Today, I officially declare that I give up trying to layout my images on blogspot.

Introduction to darkroom

This introduction was amazing, I've learnt a lot about things I am used to seeing but I didn't know how it works. I've done chemigram, a process I saw at the exhibition I've been talking about in a previous post at the V&A "Shadow catcher"

Here are some things I've done during that workshop I'm quite proud of.

I hesitated over going or not because I thought it would be boring but finally I LOVED IT.

If there is anyone reading that blog, you should sign up for it.

mercredi 2 mars 2011

Irina Werning

Thanks to my friend Luna (who has a great blog of her inspirations you can see HERE ), I've discovered a series of photographies taken by Irina Werning whose website is HERE.
This really makes me laught, this is a very good job.

First step in Adobe Flash

I dedicated this day to learning more about Adobe flash. I think I know the basics now. Here are my first trials.

mardi 1 mars 2011

Self portrait

I wanted to create a first page for my portfolio and for my other blog that I use as a portfolio that you can see HERE :

I thought that the most interesting would be to create an original self portrait, Mark Ronson's "record collection" record coverd inspired me: