samedi 11 décembre 2010

First trial of Pixel Art

Today I have tried to experiment PixelArt. I've created a P.S. for Premier Symptôme which is the name of my blog:

Here are some creations I really like, I am far away from this result but I 'll continue!

vendredi 10 décembre 2010

jeudi 9 décembre 2010

mercredi 8 décembre 2010

07-12 Aware: Art Fashion Identity

I went to the Royal Academy of Arts to see GSK Contemporary- Aware : Art Fashion Identity. Check the image gallery here.

Alexander McQueen, 'Autumn Winter 1998: Joan'

Hussein Chalayan, 'Son' of Sonzai Suru, 2010

Meschac Gaba, 'Perruques-Architecture', 2006.

Yinka Shonibare, 'Little Rich Girls', 2010

Yoko Ono performing Cut Piece, March 21, 1965. Carnegie Recital Hall, New York, NY

My opinion :  I did really appreciate some pieces of art I saw in this exhibition, such as the tape of Yoko Ono performing on stage: public was invited to come on stage to cut motionless Ono's clothes one by one to be part of the performance. To me, this is really interresting in this context of fashion exhibition, look at fashion in that way.
I really liked Alexander McQueen dress and Hussein Chalayan's installation who insists on the fact that beauty of a cloth depends of the way it is presented.
However, I was a bit disappointed by the exhibition, I found it hardly approachable for someone who doesn't master fashion.

07-12 Ben Johnson

Today I have been to the National Gallery to see Ben Johnson's exibition.

I have had the surprise to see him performing in the exhibition room. He set up a temporary studio where him and his assistants were painting in front of public during few days : a painting of Trafalgar square looking down to the house of parliament.

Ben Johnson uses a very unusual but fascinating way of painting:

A laser cut machine cut stencils corresponding to datas he has first entered in a computer. His assistants patiently remove the sticky stencil that the artist stick on his painting with an accuracy to within one millimetre.
Then he applies paint with a spray gun, colors which are rigorously selected among a vast palette of carefully annotated hand-mixed paint.

He explaines it better than I do, check this out!

Here are some of his creations:

My opinion:
As i said before, I have be fascinated by the complexity of his way of creating. I can't even imagine how patient he has to be to finish with this final and very realistic outcome. To me, Ben Jonhson's painting are very interresting in the way it transcribes lights and shadows, especially when you see him working. It really helped me to understand it, as I know he uses gun sprays. But this is not the kind of painting I appreciated in terms of esthetism. Talking about realistic art, I prefer Clive Head who I have been talking about in a previous post ( have a look at National Gallery here)

For further informations, look at his website by clicking here

lundi 6 décembre 2010

06-12 Stuff

Stuff I made

dimanche 5 décembre 2010

05-12 V&A

A few hours at the V&A, some sketches...

Sketches for my Graphic Design Fundamentals about my target audience: Inner city 15-20 years old.

Typographic research

Here are some typographic research for my blog, I would like  to change the title but I am not satisfied yet.

To be continued, tips are welcome...

Graphics I like

Images exctracted from Alan fletcher's great book
"The art of looking sideway"

Images extracted from "Contempory Graphic Design"

This kind of design is very simple but effective, appealing our sens of humour.
He uses every day life things we are used to seeing to convey his message.
To me his work is simple but efficient, this is th kind of design I do really appreciate.

Nicholas Blechman
Francesca Granato


100 collages!!