mercredi 8 décembre 2010

07-12 Ben Johnson

Today I have been to the National Gallery to see Ben Johnson's exibition.

I have had the surprise to see him performing in the exhibition room. He set up a temporary studio where him and his assistants were painting in front of public during few days : a painting of Trafalgar square looking down to the house of parliament.

Ben Johnson uses a very unusual but fascinating way of painting:

A laser cut machine cut stencils corresponding to datas he has first entered in a computer. His assistants patiently remove the sticky stencil that the artist stick on his painting with an accuracy to within one millimetre.
Then he applies paint with a spray gun, colors which are rigorously selected among a vast palette of carefully annotated hand-mixed paint.

He explaines it better than I do, check this out!

Here are some of his creations:

My opinion:
As i said before, I have be fascinated by the complexity of his way of creating. I can't even imagine how patient he has to be to finish with this final and very realistic outcome. To me, Ben Jonhson's painting are very interresting in the way it transcribes lights and shadows, especially when you see him working. It really helped me to understand it, as I know he uses gun sprays. But this is not the kind of painting I appreciated in terms of esthetism. Talking about realistic art, I prefer Clive Head who I have been talking about in a previous post ( have a look at National Gallery here)

For further informations, look at his website by clicking here

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